Monday, July 2, 2012

The 11th

I suppose it's a matter of being distracted and spread out a bit that keeps me from posting regular updates here or elsewhere, but here I am again. It's been almost 11 months and a lot has changed. I took a job last August as a designer for a newspaper. New experience gave way to new opportunities to learn and expand my range of skills. It was a good learning pool too. Several talented people to learn from and in the end it made me a stronger artist and designer. Now, however, I've returned to the freelance world only to find myself looking at even greater opportunities. I've started a web comic in the Marvel tradition and taken on the writing, pencils, inks, and colors duties for now. I have several children's literature books to illustrate, some game art, already done some game art and working on a pretty large order now, and my own games to illustrate as well! I'm super busy!
So what brought all this on? Well, prayer first and foremost, but also dedication, hard work, and diligence. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Now. Follow through and updating the marketing aspect of all this and everything will be right as rain.

Next up: Lots of artwork!

For now though, have a gander at these: